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3 Bridal Beauty Stats That Will Blow Your Mind!

Updated: Sep 16, 2019

If you know me, you may know that I am mildly obsessed with statistics! No, but seriously, I am one of those annoying friends who is like, "Well did you know..." and I can hear peoples's eyes rolling. But every once in a while, the useless information and statistics that I know, come in real handy!

1. 80% of salon professionals don't like to work with wedding parties.

EIGHTY PERCENT! That is huge! But also a really great number for you since on the other side of that stat, it means that you can be part of that 20% that does like working in bridal. In an oversaturated market like, the beauty industry, this can be the perfect way to set yourself apart!

2. The average salon profession does 4-5 weddings a year.

WedLocks's busiest professionals do 4-6 weddings a week during the Colorado wedding season (6 months) which means our professionals get over 20 years of salon experience in 1 wedding season! Why is this important? Because you can be the expert! When you are doing more weddings than anyone else, you have earned the right to call yourself an expert!

3. The average bridal party spends $955 on hair and makeup services.

You heard me! If you book 1 more wedding a week, that's almost an additional $50,000 a year! Sign me up!

See I told you, sometimes the random things that are floating around in my brain really do come in handy!

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